chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Alex POV

I stepped into the hospital and walked towards the receptionist.

"Hi, I would like to know if Sophia James is still in her room?" I asked in an monotone voice.

She stared at me mesmerised, "uhhh..she's already discharged and waiting for you over there sir" she smiled and pointed to my left, as she cleared her throat when I was about leave.

"Oh, uhhh um it's almost my lunch break, what you say we go get something to eat?" She said flirtatiously, while batting her long fake eyelashes.

That disgust me, what does she feel I am a man whore?

I stared at her displeased, as I shook my head

"No thank you.... am going to get my wife now goodbye" I said surprisingly calm.

The woman stared at me dumbfounded..


I thought as I walked towards my fiance.

She was dressed in a sunflower color dress, with her beautiful brown hair tied up, as she sat on the wheelchair.

My hands started to get clammy, my heart started to beat way faster than normal, as I approach her.

"Hi" I whispered, as I took the seat next to her.

"Oh...hey, sorry for yesterday I truly didn't know.." she said nervously

"Uhhh" I said while scratching the back of my neck

Why you are so nervous Alex?

It's your fiance for crying out loud!!!

You've known her for two years...

God, this is going to be harder than I thought,

"It's no problem, would you like to leave now?"

She stared at me, and nodded.

I got up and held the handles for the wheelchair, and pushed her forward.

As we reach the car, I gently took her up bridal style, and put her in the front seat of the car, taking her by surprise, Sophia stared at me shocked as I took up the wheelchair and closed it, and put it in the backseat.

I seated in the driver's seat, started the car and came out the parking lot.

"Sooo name is Alex, what's yours?" I said looking at the road

" already know my name" she said quietly.

"But still say it...don't leave me hanging" I grinned

" name is Sophia" she answered,

"I know that"

she giggled

I smiled

I made her laugh,

I grinned like a mad man, because that made me happiest man in the entire universe, knowing I still can.

"Well, what would you like to eat?" I asked, taking the short cut home.

"Uhh...where are we going?" she started to panicked.

"Home" I said softly

"Home? mom?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, sighed...our home" I whispered the last part

"We live together" I added

"What!?" She exclaimed

"But I have a boyfriend" she said

Is she remembering?

"" I said with my voice, sounding raspy, as my heart raced off



That word made me press brakes, causing us to jolted forward

I felt my heart, drop to my stomach

I stared into her shocked eyes

"Sorry" I mumbled

Breathe Alex

I thought as I calmed myself down

"Sophia..Stephen isn't your boyfriend.. I am" I pleaded as tears fill my eyes

She shaked her head "no..I don't know you"

That bastard!

How could she remember him?

That means, she forgot everything about me, about us?

That thought hurts me..

"Sophia... Stephen is in jail, he isn't your boyfriend.. He abused you, and tried to rape you" I choked

Tears ran down her face "No! You're lying...he would never do me...that..he would never hurt me" she sobbed, as I unbuckled my seat belt, and slowly hugged her, kissing her forehead

"Sophia, please baby I would never lie to you, please believe me" I begged

Please believe me, I thought as I tried to calm her down...


Well....what you think???




I would really appreciate it <3


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