31: Lovely

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I woke up under a plush black and grey duvet and the sound of soft breathing next to me.

 Dan must've carried me all the way to his room. I yawn and stretch but my hips ache too badly that I can't sit up, so I stay laying down. 

I look over to dan and his eyelids flutter open. 

"Morning. It is way too early to be up, why are we awake?" He groggily chuckles.

 "Because all we do is sleep, have you noticed?" I yawn. 

"Yea, I have." He smiles at me, his hair ruffled and messy.

 "So your doctor called last night and said you need to come in today for a checkup and she says that you should be out of a wheelchair today or tomorrow. She also said you need to stretch your hips otherwise you could get hurt." He lets a loud yawn escape and shuts his eyes again.

 "Okay." I whisper, closing my eyes again.

 "Daniel, wake up! Today we're going out with Audrey!" Phil shouts from outside the door, banging on the wall. I smile from Phil's energy and happiness while Dan groans but then turns to me and smiles.

 "Well, let's get up before he starts a racket." He rolls out of bed and walk to the other side, my side, of the bed to help me up. 

"Try to stand up today, okay. It might hurt a little but I think you can do it." He gives me a peck on the cheek and beams a grin. I sigh and stretch before he grabs my arms to help me up. Everything ached as my toes hit the floor, then the pain went away. I stood up and stretched, and only a little pain was felt in my hips. Dan envelops me in a warm hug and kisses the top of my head. 

"Let's go." He puts his hand and mine and I squeeze it for support.

"Don't worry, you won't fall. I'll catch you." He says to me.

I nod and continue to take it step by step. We finally make it into the kitchen and Phil beams as he sees me not in a wheelchair.

"Wow! Audrey, you're a real trooper. Here, take your medicine." He says, handing me a pill and a glass of water.

"So why in the world are we up this early, Phil?" Dan says as he helps me sit down and he sits down himself.

"Well, I thought we ought to take Audrey out shopping and just spend some time together!" Phil says and grins widely. 

"That sounds very fun," I say.

"Would you want to go get some stuff from your apartment to bring back here?" Dan asks quietly, as if Phil isn't supposed to hear.

"Wait- is Aud moving in?" Phil asks with a confused expression on his face.

I look back at Dan, worried. "Well, I think it's a good idea. I mean, she's tolerable, right?" He laughs, making little dimples and lines in his eyes and cheeks.

"Yes! I'm so happy you're moving in here! This is awesome!" Phil runs around the counter to give us a group hug. I can't help but laugh at Phil's enthusiasm.

"Hey, hey hey, there Phil, she's my girlfriend." Dan laughs and Phil gets a worried expression on his face before breaking out into laughter. 

"So where do you want to go today, Audrey?" Dan asks me.

"My flat at some point but otherwise anywhere you two want to." I answer.


"Let's go get dressed so we can go," Dan takes my hand in his and walks me to his room. 

"Oh, but I don't have any clothes..." I say.

"That, my dear, is no problem. I had Zoe bring over some clothes last night, but she is a bit forgetful so I think all she brought is some leggings and a jumper." He says, handing me a purple, floral tote bag.

"Thank you, Dan." I smile and head to the bathroom to change.

Zoe's clothes fit perfectly.

When I get back into Dan's room he is shutting his closet door and looks up at me with a huge smile. "Oh, while we're at your flat, you might want to get something a little more fancy, I'm taking you out today." He says as he starts to fix his hair in the mirror. 

I wonder where he's taking me. What if I mess something up? I blush as he walks over and wraps his arms around my waist and says, "No matter what you wear, you will always look beautiful. Don't worry."

"Fine, Dan." I chuckle into his warm chest.


He always smells like deep, rich vanilla. Always. I could stay in his arms forever and just breathe him in and look into his deep brown eyes. I look up at him and get on my tippy toes to flatten a unruly piece of hair. 

"Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are stunning?" He looks deeply into my eyes and I blush again. I cover my face with my hands quickly and Dan removes his hands from my waist, pulling mine away from my face.

"Aud, you are beautiful. Don't hide. Let's go now." He kisses the top of my head and we leave.


As I'm in the living room slipping on my black vans I hear Dan call from my room. "Aud, wear this!" He says.

I enter my room to see him holding up a maroon lace 3/4 sleeved dress with a flared skirt.

"That one?" I ask, pointing to the dress.

"Would you wear it? For me?" He asks with borderline puppy dog eyes. I can't say no to that.

"Sure." I say, taking the hanger from his hands and grabbing it along with a pair of low black heels and a black blazer.


"Let's go to my favorite cafe!" Phil says happily as we near the corner of the street, Dan and I hand in hand with Phil looking like our excited little child.

"Yea, they have that bubble tea we really like." Dan smiles and we step into the warm cafe.


We step back out into the street with warm coffees and bubble teas in hand. Dan slips his free hand into mine and he sends me a little smile with his beautiful eyes beaming. The crisp air cuts through me but I'm warmed by my warm coffee.

"I'm going to go into this store real quick, you two can keep walking, I'll catch up in  minute!" Phil says quickly and jogs into a shop. Dan and I share a suspicious look and we giggle at Phil. 

"Hey, let's sit on the bench and wait for Phil and see what this is all about." He chuckles and leads me to a bench next to the shop.

The store across from us is a baby shop. Dan can sense my uncomfortableness and wraps an arm around me, rubbing my shoulder. "It's okay. You know you can always adopt if you want children, Audrey." He says in a soothing voice. We jump when the door of the shop swings open and a boy about Phil's age is standing next to him at the door, obviously an employee of the shop. The boy winks and Phil blushes and waves bye to the boy. 

Dan raises an eyebrow but stays silent.

I decide to speak up. "What the hell Phil?" I ask, laughing a little. His face turns blood red and his eyes get wide.

"I-I-I-um, it's not what it looks like, I-I-um, gosh, I thought you two kept walking!" He says, throwing his hands in the air and then covering his face. 

"Care to explain?" Dan asks with raised eyebrows.

Phil sighs, then starts talking. "Well, um. This is awkward." He looks at his feet, rocking back on his heels. 

"So I guess I've felt this way for a while but, um, I like guys?" He says almost like a question.

"Phil! Why didn't you tell us!? Are you going to tell your fans?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer because he is caught by Dan bear hugging him. I could see Phil's face with tears streaming down his face. Dan pulls away and I rush in for a hug. 

"Why are you crying?" I ask him and wipe away his tears and he smiles.

"It just feels so good to come out and be accepted! Thanks guys. I love you." Phil's voice is muffled by Dan and I hugging him.

"His name is Tyler by the way."

"I think I love him"

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