(8) One-Shot: Just Hearts and Kissy Faces

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Duke was sick of it.

Everyone seemed to only like him for his appearance. Well, he could call himself a hypocrite, but he'd rather not do that at this moment.

On Instagram, nothing but heart eyes and kissy face emojis flooded his comments. Probably because his posts were provocative. His DM's were the same. It was annoying.

Especially this close to Valentine's Day.

He just wanted someone who could love him, and care for him, and want to be with him. It was probably too early for that but he honestly didn't care. That's what he wanted. No. Needed.

He'd made a few posts about it. Subtle, at first but then turning more and more blunt. Those thirsty, clueless idiots either couldn't take a hint or just wanted one thing from Duke.

It was probably the latter.

Maybe, just maybe this year would be different. He'd find someone who felt the same way he did. Wanted more than what was just in his pants.

Duke went on countless dates. Some, at first, seemed to be what he wanted but right when they got it, they bounced. Others didn't hide the fact that they wanted his "starts with a d ends with a k".

Those were cut off quickly.

It was like some sort of divine being was teasing him. Testing how far he would go for love. He sent countless of women at him only for them to want one thing and one thing only.

So he gave up. Maybe for the time being, maybe forever. He gave up and he waited for what he knew in his heart he needed.

So there sat Duke Devlin. On a night where he should be in a bed with two or three women doing things one probably shouldn't do, he was there eating cheap dollar general chocolate candies and watching the Hallmark channel.

And his phone continued to sing with notifications of comments holding only heart eyes and kissy faces.  

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