Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 10)

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Part 10 — Mission LEF: Base KI11

Zap and Jessica reached Base KI11. "Jess, explain the red lights going around the base. Okay, don't actually explain it, I know what it is, but why are there so many?"

"All I said was that Base KI11 was guarded more than Base H473," she replied, innocently.

"Can't wait for S14Y," Zap said, sarcastically.

"Right. There is a simple way to avoid this, anyway. Once we jump over the wall, since there are no guard towers, we can just slide around the edges of the territory, then dash when there's an opportunity."

"Chance of opportunity?"

"Hardly. This base is pretty well armed to repel people like us."

"Well, we'll just have to get lucky."

"We'll get lucky, just you see." Jumping over the wall, the two of them waited for the lights to seperate. "Wait," Zap realized. "These lights are probably motion detected, right?"


"Okay, wish me luck. I might doom us both."

"What are you planning? And why wish you luck?"

"You say we'll get lucky? We'll just have to find out. Watch this." Zap ran forward, towards the lights, and stopped. Once the light passed over him, it went in a different direction. Now closer to the base, Zap closed the distance, runnning between the two lights that initially were a large threat. Motioning for Jessica to come forward, he unwrapped a peppermint and popped it in his mouth. Jessica repeated what he did, yet slower. By the time she got to Zap, he had finished his peppermint. "Well done, Jess. Let's go, now."

"I wonder who's the expert here?" Jessica wondered aloud, just realizing that Zap had excelled in doing something that took her time to do. Smiling and proud, Jessica started following Zap towards the back door of the base.

At the back door, Zap noticed a stationary light right in front of the door. Grabbing his silenced handgun, he shot the source of the light, causing it to disappear. "Wait... why didn't we just do this for the other lights?" Zap asked.

"Let's not waste our ammunition," Jessica said, watching Zap put his gun away. "Plus, the source is at the roof, if you haven't noticed. Hard to reach, hard to break. Come on, let's not waste more time." Jessica grabbed Zap's arm and pulled him inside the base.

"Here's what I'm thinking," Jessica whispered. "Since no-one is at this section, we can discuss a plan here. Jessica saw a door labeled 'STORAGE ROOM' and brought Zap inside with her. Turning on her flashlight, she pulled out an outline of Base KI11. She grabbed a highlighter and marked the path she wanted to take. "This is only if all goes well. Which I honestly doubt it will."

"It probably will, as long as we go along with it."


"Come on. Let's go now." Zap and Jessica made their way through the base, taking out anyone with their tranquilizer guns.

The data room was guarded, but they were easy takedowns with the handguns. With them down, Jessica grabbed a card around one of the guards' necks and swiped it, opening the door. A laser immediately shot out of the door, nearly cooking both of them. "Extra security," Jessica said, breathing. "Clever."

"Don't worry about it," Zap said. "That's all there is."

"How do you know?" She asked, following him into the data room.

"They didn't expect you to pass the big laser. Zap grabbed Jessica's flash drive and started to download files from the computer. Jessica stood and waited, her gun out. One person did come in to check in on the data room, and they were knocked out with a dart. Once Zap finished, they looked towards the window on the edge of the data room. Nodding, both of them jumped out the window, bypassing the wall, and leaving Base KI11.

"Wasn' bad," Zap said.

"Wait for S14Y," Jessica said, running towards it.

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