Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 9)

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Part 9 — Mission LEF: Base H473

"It's dark now. Perfect." Jessica pulled out a flashlight and turned it on. Zap could see the trunks of the trees surrounding them."

"So...what's this 'Mission LEF' you were talking about?"

"We nickname it 'Mission Leaf,' but anyway, LEF stands for 'locate enemy files.'"

"Right," Zap said, fully changed into his agent outfit. "Where are we headed to?"

Jessica unfolded a map. "We're going to visit Base H473, located south of where we are. It's the least guarded base. The next site is Base KI11, east of H473. It's guarded more, and it's further from here. The last area is the farthest and most guarded. It's base S14Y. This is where the most crucial information is guarded."

"Got it. Anything to help us? Anything to consider?"

"Definitely. Avoid any bribes or anything anyone says to you, unless it's from me. No-one is aiding us on this mission, so that incase we fail, it doesn't trace back to our main base."

"Very safe for 2 weeks here."

"It'll be perfectly fine. I'm here to help you out." Jessica folded the map and slid it into her pocket. "Ready to go?"

"I'm ready. Let's go." Zap followed Jessica out of the woods and towards Base H473. Jessica looked behind her occasionally to make sure that Zap was still behind her. At last, when they reached Base H473, Jessica hid behind the front wall, connected to the door. "The only security they have is a few sniper towers that don't look into their own base," she whispered. "The only issue is that whoever works in there has a button they can click to immediately call guards." Both of them pulled out their silenced handguns. They each had a tranquilzer gun for their secondary weapon. "Ready to go in?"

"Ready as ever," Zap said.

Jessica smiled. "Then let's go."

Jumping the wall as silently as possible, so that the guards wouldn't notice, they entered the enemy base. Sneaking behind the left wall of the main building, they made their way to the back. Using the air conditioners, Jessica jumped up to the roof of the base. Proning down, she dropped a rope for Zap to climb up, as her getting up there had already made a lot of noise, and she had been trained in this area for years. Zap had been heavily trained in the two weeks that he was an agent, but it all paid off, and Zap had more experience than an agent his level would have. Jessica was impressed by how he worked. Jessica trusted him enough to stand in front of him when he had a gun.

Jessica shook her head as she concentrated on holding the rope. When Zap got to the top, she rolled the rope and clipped it to her back. Slowly, they started prying a ceiling tile that belonged to the data room—the room they needed to enter. Once the tile was out, Jess grabbed the rope again. She attached it to a small metal object on the roof. Zap climbed down. Jess climbed down after him. With them in the data room, Jessica immediately rushed to the computer. She inserted a flash drive and began to import files into it. Zap pulled out his gun and started to shift his focus between the four different doors connected to the room.

After three minutes, Jessica said, "Done," as she removed the flash drive from the computer. She started to climb up the rope. Once she reached the top, Zap started climbing up. With both of them on the roof again, they reset the ceiling tile to its original position. Slowly and silently, they jumped over the back wall and exited Base H473.

"That was simple," Zap said, surprised.

"That's a really sad base," Jessica said. "Remember, KI11has more security than H473, so be careful."

"Okay." Zap and Jessica began to run towards Base KI11.

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