Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 11)

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Part 11 — Mission LEF: Base S14Y

"No," Zap said, looking at the large, flashing enemy base.

"Come on! It's the last one!"

"Yeah...maybe not."

"Ugh...they should've given me David instead. At least he'd be willing," she teased.

"You're comparing me to...David?" Zap said, shivering at the thought of the agent who almost died from the training courses. Yet he was always willing to try again, and it gave everyone faith in him.

"I'm kidding. Look, through all of this craziness, we're going to get the files and get out of here," Jessica said. "There has to be flaws we can exploit in their security."

"I doubt it."

"We need to get the files anyway! Are you with me or not?"

"Alright, I'll go."

"Sweet! Let's go!" Jessica led Zap to a crack in the outer wall of the base. "There's guard towers that actually look everywhere—with lights, too. The only thing we can do is squeeze through here." Jessica laid down and slid through the little crack in the wall. Zap struggled to fit through, but eventually, he passed through. "Nice. Now that that's done, we have to worry about the inside guards. She pulled out her tranquilizer gun. Zap pulled out his. Slowly, they took out the guards on that side, taking out other guards who came across them.

Once they reached the walls of the main building, they were met with moving motion detectors. "This is an issue..." Zap pulled out his handgun. He shot the sources of the lights, not worrying about his ammo supply. Once he ran out of ammo, there was only one more detector to go through. He threw his gun, cracking the source and breaking it. "Your gun..." Jessica started to say.

"Gone and out of ammo. So what?" Zap walked through the first door.

The next room was filled with many people. Grabbing a stun grenade, Zap threw it into the room. With everyone blinded in that room, they rushed towards the next door.

The third room offered no visible quick solution to pass through it. There were multiple lasers that were nearly impossible to dodge. "There's got to be a way past this..." Looking around the room, he noticed an air vent above the door they just walked through. "I see..." Hopping high up, Zap pulled off the cover. With another jump, he was able to enter the air vent. Jessica jumped up and grabbed Zap's hands, which were extended to help her. With both of them in the vent, they started crawling towards the data room. "Big flaw," Zap muttered. Finding another cover, Zap looked through it and saw a room. Zap looked forward and saw it blocked. "Well then... not too flawed after all." Zap pulled the cover off and jumped down. On impact with the ground, he rolled to negate damage and dodge anything that may have been able to hit him. Jessica jumped down and made no such precaution. Looking around the empty room, she muttered, "Shit... they're really clever." She blew powder around the room and saw lasers around where they both were. She looked up at the air vent. "We're so screwed."

"We'll get through this," Zap assured her. "Just focus." Grabbing Jessica's rope, Zap threw it up so that some of it landed at the top. "Can you give me a boost?" Jessica helped Zap jump up to the vent. Once he crawled inside, he said, "Climb up!" With Zap holding the rope, Jessica climbed up to the vent. "Easy save," he said, coiling the rope. They started to go to a different location. They reached another room, which Zap figured was the data room. They both peered down to make sure. Comfirming that it was the data room, they both jumped down, only to be greeted by dozens of enemies pouring in from all areas. "Shit..."

Zap grabbed a frag grenade. He moved his hand towards the pin.

"Don't you dare," one of them called out.

"You'll just take yourself out!"

"We'll kill you even if you don't kill you!"

Zap returned the grenade to its original spot. He grabbed his tranquilizer gun. Jessica grabbed both of her guns. With his right hand, Zap fidgeted around with a smoke grenade and let it drop. Smoke started spewing out quickly. With the whole room covered in smoke, Zap threw a frag grenade. Once it exploded, he grabbed Jessica's arm and led her to the position he blew. They started firing as soon as enemies were visible. With a large supply of darts, Zap didn't hesitate to waste his shots, while Jessica, mainly using her handgun, took her time on her shots. Once they were all gone, Zap looked at Jessica, who was bleeding. Her forehead had a cut from when one person decided to get in a close range scuffle with her. Zap pulled out a roll of cloth and wrapped it around Jessica's head. "You'll be fine." With Jessica standing around, healing, Zap walked towards the computer, he inserted the flash drive and started copying all the files to the drive. When he finished, they walked out of the data room.

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