Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 12)

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Part 12 — Come Back Home Soon

Xin tapped the dining table as she waited for Zap to return. Britney and Chris had just left, and she was bored and worried. What have they gotten themselves into?

Xin wiped her mouth from finishing dinner. I'm tired...might as well go to bed. She walked upstairs and into her room. She dropped onto her bed and fell asleep.

In the morning at 5 AM, she was woken up by the doorbell instead of the alarm. She expected Britney and/or Chris when she opened the door, but instead she found a package on the ground. She picked it up and walked back inside the house. Who sent this?

Opening the package with her knife, she found a letter and a box of chocolates—a rare brand. The letter was from Azyra:

To Xin,

How are you doing? I hope you're not too worried about me. I'm doing perfectly fine, and don't worry, I'll come back soon! I sent some chocolate I bought. Hope you like it!


Xin read it over twice again and put the letter back in its envelope. I'm so glad Azyra is okay... but where the fuck is Zap? She looked up at the clock. 5:10 AM. I guess if he wasn't here last night he wouldn't be here this early...

9:30 AM.

"Where is he?" Xin asked herself, eating breakfast in her room. "Hopefully he's back soon...and hopefully they don't visit today."

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