Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 13)

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Part 13 — Party Out

Around the corner were bouncers watching all directions. "Looks like they're having a party..." Jessica murmered. She turned to Zap. "All right. If we want to get out, we'll have to join them."

"And they'll let us in..." Zap pointed out.

"I don't think they'll care. I think they're just checking for people who are ineligible to enter. I mean, would they expect anyone to have broken in?"

"Perhaps not..."

"Yeah. Be glad that no-one contacted anyone in the data room." Jessica and Zap walked towards the bouncer in their direction. "In you go," he said. Confused, Jessica and Zap walked into the party room. "Looks like there wasn't any issue..."

"Maybe they know who to look for," Zap said. "Come on, let's get out of here."

They saw two bouncers guarding the exit.

"Fuck this." Jessica looked around. "We might need to blend in until the party ends."

"We can just sit and talk."

"I guess." They found a place to sit and sat down. The two of them made random conversation about anything that came to mind, and eventually, the party started ending.

"Bummer, it's over," Jessica said. "Looks like it's time to go."

"Um... yeah, let's go."

"Huh? Oh! I forgot about it. Sorry. I was distracted by the party." Zap and Jessica walked out of the building. Seeing the gate open, they merged in with the crowds and exited the base.

"Holy crap, that was pretty simple."

"In a way." Jessica pulled out her flashlight. "Time to go."

Both of them started running towards the woods. When they reached the woods, Jessica grabbed a radio taped to a tree and spoke into it. "It's all been done." She took the flash drive from Zap.

"That's great!" A voice replied. They recognized the comms. expert's voice. It was Samuel. "Come back to HQ, we should copy all of this immediately." Jessica clicked off the raio and they started running in the opposite of Zap's apartment, which was HQ.

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