Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 14)

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Part 14 — Virus

Samuel took the flash drive from Jessica and began to copy the files to the computer. "Great job on collecting all the files. Again, sorry that we couldn't help you. These bases were advanced on location and would have been able to track us if they discovered you."

"No worries," Zap said. "It was easier than I figured."

"Really? Well, thanks anyway for doing this. I told Jessica that sending you already was a bad idea—"

"Well, it wasn't," Jessica argued.

"Right. Well, anyway, if you don't mind, there's a bigger case we'd—"

Samuel was interrupted by the beeping of the alarm. He quickly turned it off and ran to the computer. "Oh no. What happened?"

A folder named "Destruction_Tool" from Base H473 was flashing. When Samuel double-clicked on it, it revealed a series of files. One file was flashing: "Plan_B." Samuel opened it. A note read this:

"When this file is copied, it hardwires a bomb into the computer, which explodes shortly after." A timer popped up on the screen: "10:00."

"Dammit! We should've scanned the files!" Samuel tried to delete the file but failed. "Both of you, get out! I'll find a way—"

"Turn off the computer."


Zap walked to the keyboard and mouse. He inputted Ctrl+Alt+Delete. He turned off the computer with the shutdown button. "This is from H473. Did you actually expect anything?"

"Holy shit, you're good... it gives me a feeling that you've been an agent longer than Jessica, for some reason."

"It's been two weeks. Thanks, though." Zap removed the flash drive from the computer. "I'll keep this with me. We've copied everything else, anyway."

"Yeah." Samuel started turning on the computer. "Well, that's done. Great!"

Zap pocketed the flash drive and watched the computer turn on.

Jessica looked sideways at Zap. He's a good way. She smiled. "Samuel, what did you say about a big case?"

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