Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 15)

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Part 15 — Tied In

"Right. The big case. It's regarding a pair of girls. Currently, they're separated, but they're suspected to be involved together in a case regarding a lost item. It was stolen. It's said that whoever stole it no longer owns it, nor does anyone they know have it. Supposedly, it's hidden somewhere, but no-one has a clue about where it is...except those two girls, apparently." Samuel walked to the file cabinet and pulled out a thick folder. "Here's everything recorded down about this case. It's named Mission GA, or Mission Girls and Artifact." Samuel pointed to the words written on the front of the folder: Mission GA (Girls and Artifact). Jessica opened the folder. "Hey, she looks familiar."

"Who does?" Zap went to look at the paper Jessica was looking at. On it were pictures of the girls, which Zap both recognized: Xin and Azyra. "Yeah, the one on the right is my roomate. The left is her friend, who's out somewhere currently."

"Huh? You know both of these girls?" Samuel grabbed the folder and flipped through it. He pulled out a specific sheet of paper and handed it to Zap. "Read this."

These two girls are together so much! It's like they're sisters! I hope that they live together. It would make all of this so much easier. Apparently one of the girls does live with someone else. Recorded to be a tall male, he attends the same college as these two girls. Maybe we can get to him and he can give us some information. We need all the information we need.

—Recorded by Benedict, 7/26

Zap looked at Samuel, and the notebook and pencil now in his hand. "For starters, what are their names?"

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