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I was standing behind the glass counter once again as the day started.

I always wake up early to let my brothers have a lie in while I handle the few early customers.

The phone began ringing. I pick it up and place it on my ear.

"Hello, Frog's comic book store, how can I help you today?" I said with a slight yawn.

"Ziggy? Thank god it's you and not Edgar or Alan. My mom wants you to come over to look after me because my brothers knocked out still. I don't think I need a babysitter but-" Sam rambled but the moment I saw Edgar and Alan walking down the stairs I agree to come over and hang up.

"I'm going out, I'll make up for my shift tonight, alright?" I call out to my brothers as I start strolling towards the door.

"Sure, be careful," Edgar calls out.

I smile and make my way to the address that Sam gave me over the phone.


I knock on the door, and a woman with short, ginger hair in a blue dress opens it.

"Hello, I'm Zelene, but Sam probably mentioned me as Ziggy, Sam said he's in need of a babysitter?" I introduce my self.

"Oh of course, it's lovely to meet you, Zelene, I'm Lucy. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience, but his brother didn't come home til past midnight last night, and he's still sleeping." Lucy explains.

"No, it's not an inconvenience, I like Sam, he's a good friend," I smile, which Lucy gladly returns.


Sam and I were having a fantastic time while his brother slept peaceful upstairs. Currently, we were cooking some food when the phone rings.

I go over and pick it up, "Hello?"

"Hi Zelene, it's Lucy, I was just wondering if everything is ok?"

"Everything's super, Sam's here, I'll put him on," I hand Sam the phone. I carry on cooking some food for dinner, when Sam grabs my hand and runs up the stairs. He opens a door where a man who looks around my age is sleeping. He was slightly long brown curly hair and is clad in jeans, a shirt and a leather jacket.

"Mike! Wake up! It's mom." Sam says while shaking his brother and picking up the phone and handing it to his brother.

"Mom's home?" 'Mike' asks.

"No, on the phone,"

"Give me those sunglasses," Michael commands.

"You need sunglasses to talk on the phone? Are you freebasing? Inquiring minds want to know." Sam laughs and goes into a high five from me, which I return, sighing.


"Mike? Are you still in bed?" I heard on the other end. Michael says no. "would you do me a favor? Max asked me to go to
dinner with him after work tonight. Would you stay home
with Sam?"

"Sam is old enough to stay by himself right now."

"I don't need a babysitter, Mike." Sam insists. I slap his chest gently with a playfully offended expression plastered on my face. "No offence,"

"Plus, Sam's already got a babysitter here with him now, right?" Michael says to his mother.

"You mean Zelene? She was only meant to stay until you got up, I don't want to keep her locked up with Sam all day, you can suffer a little today" I heard Lucy say through the phone. I stifle a laugh while Sam gently shoved me with a laugh tumbling out of his mouth.

The conversation end with Lucy complaining about never going out, and Michael finally giving in.

"Zelene seems a little posh for someone like you," Michael says once he put the phone back on its stand and fixed his gaze onto me.

"I guess that's why people call me Ziggy then," with a scoff and turn to walk back down the stairs to the kitchen.

Before I got out of earshot I hear Sam say "not cool, Mike, that's my friend."


It is later in the day and I decide to stay with Sam and his obnoxious brother, Michael.

I excuse myself from the kitchen to go the phone. I press on the numbers of the comic store, and waited til someone picked it up.

"Hello? Frog's comic store? How can I help you today?" I heard Edgar say in a monotone voice other the line.

"Hey Edgar, it's me, I'm gonna stay at Sam's a little longer, ok? I work some more tomorrow, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, why are you at Sam's anyways," I heard the voice of Alan ask. I guessing they were holding the phone between like they usually do.

"He needed a babysitter," I pull the phone away from my ear temporarily as I hear them barking with laughter.

"That's hilarious," Edgar laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, I e got to go, I'll see you later tonight,"

"See ya later," they both said together. I walk back into the kitchen to see an older man, I'm presuming it was Sam's grandpa, and Sam searching the cabinets.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask joking them.

"We're looking for something for grandpa to use as after-shave," Sam said. "How about Windex, Grandpa?"

"Yeah, let me try some of that?" Grandpa says while patting some Windex around his neck.

"Have a big date tonight, Grandpa?" Michael asks as he enters the kitchen.

"I'm dropping off some of my handiwork to the widow Johnson," Grandpa Emerson explains to this oldest grandson.

"What's you stuff for her? Her husband?" Michael evilly smirks as Sam and I share an uncomfortable glance.

Grandpa clears his throat, "See you guys later, and it was lovely meeting you Ziggy," and he was gone.

"God what clawed up his ass and died," I whisper to Sam who giggles behind his hand. I begin to laugh too but I notice Michael glee on the both of us and stifle it.

"I'm gonna make you a sandwich," Sam tells Michael. But the older brother denied.

"Lose the earring. It's not you. It's definitely not you."

"Piss off," Michael cusses.

"Woah woah, chill out Michael, no need for that language," I protest.

"Why don't you just go, I'm wake now, you're not needed anymore," Michael says viciously as he towers over me.

"Michael, back off! What's with your attitude lately? Watching too much Dynasty?" Sam gets between us before the entire room started to shake.

Michael runs towards the window as bright lights shine through the blinds.

"Don't open the Mike! What's going on?" Sam questions his brother as he clung to my arm.

"Go take your bath, and Ziggy, you should go home,"

"Sam? Do you want me to go home?" I ask my friend.

Sam looks at his brother who gives him a persuasive look, "Yeah, Edgar and Alan probably need you back at the store,"

"If you say so, you've got our number, do be a stranger, Sammy." I hug the young boy and nod towards older one.


As I walk down the broadwalk to the store, I notice a group of men on motorcycles all in leather jackets. They remind me of Michael, arrogant.

Although, the group seems like the sort of people I'd avoid, my eyes wander over one of them for longer. All I can see is his back as he sits on his bike, laughing with his friends.

His leather jacket stretch across his globed shoulders. The front of his blonde hair spiked up slightly leaving the back to fall down his neck. His head turned the right slightly so I could see his profile. His blue eyes and turned up nose looking oddly familiar.

I begin to walk closer to the group unconsciously.

As I got closer, the more hope filled my heart. I reach out my small hand to touch his shoulder.

Before I could place my hand on his upper arm, I hear my name being called out. "Ziggy! There you are, come on!"

I turn around to see Alan walking towards me. I twist my head back forward to see the man in front of me looking back at me.

My mouth fell open as I study the mans face.


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