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"Ziggy?" The blonde man above me asks.

I cease my struggling and look up to see the familiar smile of my lost friend. "David?" The handsome boy laughs gently and nods. I scan his face with my mouth hanging open. "Where did you go?" I whisper.

"I never left," he whispers back. "I fucked it. We could've been friends and I blew it. I lost you."

"Could've? I always saw you as a friend. Maybe even more than that," I whisper the last part, thinking he would not hear it but I'm guessing he did due to the large smirk that stretches across his face.

"It's good we agree on that then," David quietly speaks as he leans closer to me. My throat contracts as his cold breath fans across my face. David's frozen lips hover over my warmer ones. "Join us, Ziggy. Join me for eternity. C'mon, my love, what'd you say?"

"I can't.. my brothers... Sam... Michael." I breathlessly gasp as David clamps his hand on my jaw and my eyes widen slightly. "David?!"

"ZIGGY!" I hear Sam shout as he wrestles to grab my arm as David's death hold is still tightly secured on my jaw. David hisses at Sam with his fangs and yellow eyes on full display. Sam and I scream together and Sam manages to pull me towards him a few inches. Enough for the light that pours through a hole in the ceiling to hit David's hand and combust. David yanks his hand from my jaw, leaving me enough time to escape from the tunnel with Sam.

I look back with fearful eyes at David who hides behind the light as he says, "Tonight."

I run outside into the daylight with Sam in front of me. "You drive," Sam instructs me as he tosses me the keys to his Grandpa's car.

"But I don't have my license yet," I complain.

"Better you than me Ziggy!" Sam yelps. I shift my eyes to the steering wheel and groan but jump into the drivers seat anyway.

I put the keys in the ignition and look towards my brothers who are standing at my side, outside of the vehicle. "Well, get in!"

"We don't ride with vampires," Edgar says reluctantly while shifting his gaze to Star, Michael and the small child called Laddie.

"Fine. Stay here!" Sam groans. The two boys standing outside of the car look at each other with knowing looks and nod to each other.

"We do now!" Alan says as he runs around the back of the car to the passenger seat where Sam is seating, followed by Edgar. The three squish up on the passenger seat, not wanting to disturb the three vampires sleep, who are snoozing in the back of the car.

"Alright Zig! Burn rubber!" Edgar shouts as he points his finger in front of him leading to the path we came from.

I slam my door on one of the pedals with my foot, sending the car backward towards the cliff instead of forward. I quickly brake before we fell to our deaths and sigh in relief. "'Burn rubber' doesn't mean warp speed!" I complain.


We make it back to the Emerson household in record - and most likely illegal - speed. Sam shakes Michael's shoulder to wake him up and he grabs Star and I grab Laddie.

We trek up the stairs after Sam put Nanook outside. Michael practically dumps Star's body onto Sam's bed and he collapses on the floor beside her and falls to sleep. I gently place the small child in my arms on the bed beside Star and place Michael's leather jacket over his face and body in case the sun pokes through the curtains.

Sam enters his room and runs his hand through his blonde hair. "We definitely blew plan A!"

"Time for plan B!" Edgar expresses while walking towards the door with Alan in toe. Sam asks what the new plan is but the brothers shrug.

"We don't have one yet. We have two and half hours to come up with one."

"What happens then?" I ask in a hurry.

"The sun goes down. They'll be looking for us."


Sam had gone into the video store where Lucy works to convince her about the events that have occurred and the ones that will.

"Tell me again how you two got involved in vampires again," I state to my brothers as I lean my forearms against the handlebars of my white bike.


We had made it back to Sam's house with a supply of holy water after interrupting a baptism and Sam managed to convince his Grandpa to get out of the house.

When Edgar, Alan, Sam and I got everything ready and Michael, Star and Laddie woke up, we gather in the hallway to make sure everyone's ready.

"I think I should warn you all
when a vampire dies, it's never a pretty sight. No two bloodsuckers go out the same way. Some yell and scream. Some go quietly. Some explode. Some implode. But all will try to take you with them." Edgar announces.

Sam suddenly widens his eyes as he heard Nanook barking, "Nanook! I left him outside!" Sam sprints to the front door and rushes out with Michael following him. Edgar and Alan were about follow too, but I put an arm in front of them to stop them just before the doorway.

"Sam! Come back!" Edgar shouts after him.

Star and I look up towards the sky to see three figures flying towards us. "Michael! They're coming. They're coming!" Star shouts to her lover.

When Michael, Sam and Nanook got back inside, Michael begins shouting orders. "Take them up stairs!" He shouts to my brothers and me. We rush up stairs with Alan picking up Laddie in the process.

Sam and Michael begin blocking of entrances but are stopped by an explosion from the fireplace. I look back and see one of the vampires hanging from the chandelier and kicking the two boys in the process. I rush to follow after my brothers, hoping the two Emerson brother will be okay.

I stumble into Sam's room to see Edgar pulling out a stake and holding it above Star's head. "I say we terminate them now."

"Laddie run!" Star and Laddie sprint into the bathroom and out the other room with Edgar and Alan following them, and me in toe, trying to stop them.

Before the three of us could exit the room, the door slams and a dirty blonde man with horrifying features laughs and walks tauntingly towards us. The two brothers scream and I pull them behind me. "You're mine! You killed Marko!"

"Yeah! You're next," I smartly retort back, the man sends me a deathly stare.

The man roughly shoved me out of the way, causing me to bash my head against the bedpost of Sam's bed. I watch lazily as the man takes long strides towards the two boys. I reach a hand out to the man but he smacks it away and continues his trail towards the boys. "Ziggy!!" Edgar and Alan scream in unison as they rush into the bathroom.

I hear a long pause before hearing a low laugh. "Garlic don't work boys,"

"Try holy water death breath!"

A loud and low scream and a small splash emits from the bathroom and I slowly crawl towards the noise. I prop myself up on my knees and then my feet hesitantly and lean against the doorway to see the man clutching his face and my two brothers clutching each other the cool tile floor. The man throws his hand back down to his sides and clenches his fists. He begins walking towards the two boys who scream and yell.

I rush behind the man with a large stake the he knocked out of Edgar's grasp in the bedroom a few moments ago. Before the man can get any closer the my boys, I stab the wooden spear into his back and through to his chest. An enormous amount of blood pours out of his chest and back, covering the Frog brothers and I once again in vampire blood. The man screams and shouts and whips around to see me with his blood scattered on my face and clothes. I push my roughly into the bath of holy water and garlic. The blonde thrashes around in the tub with deafening screams. I stand up with my gaze stuck to the figure showing dissolving in the bathtub. My two brothers scramble towards the edge of the white container.

Everything is silent beside the violent hissing and sizzling emitting from the bathtub. But the relief is short lived as a distorted figure jumps out of the water with skin resembling Freddy Krueger and an eyeball hanging against his cheek. The boys scream as the man leans over the ledge and my brother scatter back to their previous position. I stand my ground and watch as he falls back into the holy water. I look back at my brothers who are hugging each other on the ground. Alan's eyes are screwed shut and Edgar's eyebrows are furrowed in shock, fear and surprise as his gaze flickers between the bathtub and me.

I glance back at the bathtub and notice a small yet vicious blood red water tornado occurring and a skull bobbing around it. I hear the sink and toilet shake vigorously and see blood shorting out of them. We are all smeared with blood as we scatter towards the doorway, leaving the mess behind.

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