We Chase a Drone

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Eric: Please note that this is just a filler chapter.

Ladan: And that means it's going to be shorter. About 1500-ish words.

Eric: but it is still important.

Ladan: very, now lets get on with it!

Eric: Bye. *Whispers* You little schists

Ladan: you want me to bring out the frying pan?

Eric: *runs away screaming*

Ladan: I thought so *smirks to herself* happy new year!
-Marinette's POV-

For once, I woke up by myself. No akuma, no alarm, no nothing. I looked over and saw Alya and Chloe sleeping in their beds. I decided to use the time to take a shower. It was a nice, long shower that woke me up a little. After, I put on my clothes and got out of the bathroom. I was wearing a cute cat-themed dress I had made last month with cat tights I found at the store and simple black flats.

The girls still weren't up so I, as quietly as possible, grabbed my sketchbook and went to the balcony. Might as well not let the free time go to waste. I silently closed the door and sat in one of the chairs and looked at the city's skyline as the sun was just coming up. I started sketching some designs but I didn't like any so I ripped them out.

"Good morning Mari," someone yawned as they walked outside a bit later.

"Morning Chloe" I replied.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she sat down next to me.

"I'm trying to get inspiration for a new dress i have in mind," I answered. "But I don't have any inspiration at the moment."

"Then bring your sketchbook when we leave, you're bound to get inspiration from somewhere." Chloe advised.

"Good idea!" I hugged her. "you're awesome."

"Well, we do have to be down for breakfast. Help me scare Alya awake." She said. what a good friend she was to scare Alya awake, but so was I. We went back into our room and went right up to her bed.

"Ok on three," She whispered. "one, tw-"

"Good morning!" Alya said, startling us.

"God, get ready. We'll be downstairs for breakfast." Chloe said as we walked out giggling.

-Skip to End of Breakfast-

We had just finished our breakfast when Ms.Bustier decided to make an announcement. "Students, we will now have time for you to explore the city and such, just be at the Metropolitan Museum of Art at 1 PM for our scheduled tour" She said and then excused us.

"So, where are we going?" Adrien says as he put his arm around me. Alya already had dragged Nino somewhere and Chloe was talking to Nath.

"Alya was telling me on Saturday that the park looked really nice in pictures," I said. "We could go check it out."

"Lead the way Purrincess." He grinned. We hailed a taxi, which was work in itself, and got there quite fast. The driver got mad when we paid him in euros.

"Lets go over there." I pointed near the a big tree with little people around it. We sat down on the grass and he put his arm around me.

"So how was your night?" He asked.

"Good, i even woke up early today, how about you?"

"I think it's safe to say that all my jet lag has been vanquished." Adrien said.

"Same, i still can't believe there is a 6 hour distance between here and Paris."

"It only feels like 5 hours difference," He jokes. I let out a laugh and playfully pushed him. He grabbed my hips and leaned in to kiss me. I immediately started kissing him back. He was about to deepen the kiss until we heard a blood-curling scream, crap. "Why does this stuff always happen to us" There was a look of anger on his face towards who-ever ruined our date."

"I'll send the others a text" I said.

M- Monster thing, heard screams. COME QUICK!

I sent it to Alya and Chloe.

"You ready?" He asked as we ran to a completely empty area.

"Tikki spots on!"

"Plagg claws out!"

We jumped from roof to roof, trying to catch what looked like a bird-lady. I got a call on the lady-phone.

"Where are you dudes?" Jade Turtle said.

"Times Square, I think. Hurry!" I said. "And tell Chloe where we are"

"She's with us, see you in a minute" Volpina says as she leaned over and hung up for Jade Turtle. We caught up to the red-winged person who looked awfully skinny. (Picture at top) She had papers in her hand and looked exhausted.

"Who are you?" Chat called to her.

"Ella got to go, Ella no like monster attacks. Ella must find Tyson," Who I presumed to be Ella said to us. She flew away at a rapid pace. We were about to go after her when the others landed.

"Where is she? What's the akumatized object?" Queen Bee asked.

"I don't think she was an akuma," I said seriously.

"What? How is that possible?" Volpina asked.

"She didn't act like a normal akuma," Chat said. "She sounded, scared. She referred to herself in the 3rd person and didn't try to fight us."

"And she also looked real. As in, not like a McDonalds happy meal toy." I added.

"She's too far away to reach her now. If she comes back, we fight her." Jade turtle said. We all went into the nearest ally and detransformed.

"What was that Tikki?" I asked the red, spotted kwami. She flew to face level and we circled around her.

"I think you'll find out soon enough," Tikki said mysteriously.

"Cheeeesssssseeeee" Plagg moaned and grabbed the smelly cheese from Adrien.

"Plagg you lazy butt, you didn't even use cataclysm." Trixx said.

"You don't know everything Adrien does" Plagg says.

"Well I do and he would never!" I said shocked and put my arm on his shoulder.

"You want to go find our way to the museum since its almost 1?" Alya asks as she pulled up google maps on her phone. We all agreed and started walking to the museum.

"So where were you before the winged girl Ella appeared?" I asked.

"I got Nino to take me window shopping," Nino groaned at Alya's response. For some odd reason, Nino doesn't like to go shopping with Alya.

"Nath took me to the Library and drew my picture in front of it." Chloe said.

"Are you two a couple yet?" Plagg asked, munching on his cheese. Chloe slightly nodded as her cheeks became pink. That was when Alya started going crazy.


"Wait what?" Chloe said, stopping.

"I can't wait to see that." Nino said and Tikki nodded.

"Am I the only one who doesn't know about this 'shrine' thing?" Chloe asked as they kept walking.

I sighed and answered, "Every time one of her ships is cannon, she makes a shrine for it."

"You should see how many shrines she's got of me and Mari in her closet. She calls each shrine of us one part of the 'love square'. This is why you NEVER open her closet." Adrien warned.

At last, we made it to the class's rendezvous point and our classmates were already there chatting.

"Guys, did you see it? A drone flew towards times square through the park and Ladybug and Chat Noir were chasing it!" Rose exclaimed.

"Why would they be here?" Juleka said.

"It was no drone, it was some sort of bird-girl, I saw it with my own two eyes." Chloe butted in.

"I saw it as well and it was 100% a drone. LB also flew right over my head." Max said. "But Juleka's right, why are LB and CN here?"

"Maybe they're on vacation?" Alya said as more of a question.

"It makes sense, I mean, no one saw Jade Turtle, Queen Bee, or Volpina, have they?" I added and everyone shook their heads.

"Maybe, but I'm still looking into this later." Max said as Ms.Bustier and Master Fu walked towards us.

"Students, we will have a private tour but 4 randomly chosen students will have a tour with Fu to dive deeper into history." Ms. Bustier said.

"These chosen people are Alya Cesaire, Adrien Agreste, Nino Lahiffe, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng," Fu called out. Everyone was disappointed except for Chloe that we were chosen and not them. I just hoped none of them were going to be akumatized again. Fu then led us to the Ancient Greece part of the museum.

"I'm assuming that this was not random at all," Alya says, crossing her arms.

"Your assumption is correct Miss Alya," He replied.

"So, what do you want dude?" Nino asked impatiently.

He then started talking in the famous old, wise-guy way he does. "Your initial training as Miraculous is finished."

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